

KinoDoс Film Festival (hereinafter – the festival) is held in regional centers of Ukraine once a year. Ukrainian and foreign amateur and professional creative groups take part in the festival.

The festival is competitive. Outside the competition there are psentations of films by famous film directors, meetings with creative personalities, master classes of artists.

1. The purpose of the Festival

  • fostering a sense of patriotism and love for the native country, respect for its history, national and cultural traditions;
  • presentation of topical and artistically talented cinema created by Ukrainian and foreign artists;
  • development of amateur cinema, search for new compositional and plot creative solutions with the use of innovative forms and technical means.

2.Terms and conditions of the Festival

The first KinoDoс film festival took place on May 20-22, 2016 in Chernihiv, Chernihiv region, Ukraine.

Works of documentary and journalistic genre lasting up to 40 minutes with high-quality music and sound design, captions made in Ukrainian, recorded on DVD (in two copies) are accepted for participation in the festival.

No more than one work is accepted from each creative group.

Works, the duration of which exceeds the time limit, with the consent of the organizing committee, may be admitted to non-competitive review. In the case of submission of several films by one author, recorded on one video medium, the order of their location and the exact timing are indicated.

Works that do not comply with the requirements of this Regulation, or that are performed for the purposes of political advertising, are not allowed to participate in the festival.

The best films of the festival will be shown on Ukrainian and foreign TV channels.

The works sent to the competition remain in the archives of the organizing committee of the festival and are not returned to the authors.

Stay of participants in Chernihiv during the festival is expensed by the festival.

3. Participants of the Festival

  • creative teams of professional film studios and TV&radio companies;
  • amateur creative film and video associations, clubs, circles, etc .;
  • individual authors (professionals and amateurs).

According to the terms of the Regulations, no later than (date, month) in 2016, those wishing to take part in the Festival must send to the Organizing Committee of the Festival an application for participation in the form provided in the appendix, as well as a copy of the film.

Based on the received applications, the Organizing Committee creates a schedule of review by members of the Jury and notifies the nominees no later than 7 days about the place and time of review.

In case of impossibility to come to the Festival, the Participant is obliged to notify the Organizing Committee of the Festival in written form no later than 3 days.

The best screen works and their authors will be awarded according to the decision of the Festival Jury.

The entrant is rensponsible for infringement of copyright and related rights when submitting to the Festival works or fragments of works not of his own writing, signed in his own name.

4. Application procedure for participation in the Festival

The application for participation in the Festival is made out on the festival web-site.

In case of registration of an application from the team, it is filled in by an authorized person, with whom further contact will be made during the Festival.

Completion of all items of the application is mandatory. If the application is not completed or partially completed, it will not be reviewed.

Applications received by the Organizing Committee after the application deadline will not be reviewed.

Applications are checked for their full compliance with all the requirements of this Regulation and are registered in the Organizing Committee. After registration, each Applicant becomes a Participant of the Festival.

Applications for participation in the Festival are valid throughout its duration.

Official applications for participation in the festival (sample attached), creative works and annotations to them are submitted to the organizing committee.

5. Determination and awarding of winners

Nominations and winners of the film festival are determined by the jury.

The winners are awarded with special statuettes and cash prizes in accordance with the established prize fund.

Festival nominations:

  • Grand Prix of the festival;
  • Short films (up to 45 minutes): first, second and third place;
  • Feature films (from 45 minutes and more): first, second and third place.

6. Working bodies of the Festival

The working bodies of the Festival are: the Organizer, the Festival Council, the Organizing Committee and the Jury.

6.1. Organizer of the Festival. Functions, rights, duties and responsibilities



6.1.1. Functions of the Festival Organizer

  • decision-making on holding the international film festival of patriotic cinema “KinoDoc”;
  • appointment, co-optation and dissolution of the Festival Organizing Committee;
  • selection and approval of candidates for the Chairman and composition of the Festival Jury.

6.1.2. Rights of the Festival Organizer

  • realization of general control over the Festival.

6.1.3. Responsibilities of the Festival organizer

  • providing proper working conditions for the Organizing Committee, the Festival Jury.

6.1.4. Liabilities of the Festival organizer

  • The Organizer is responsible for the lack of proper conditions for the work of the Organizing Committee, the Festival Jury, participants and guests.

6.2. Organizing Committee of the Festival. Functions, rights, duties and responsibilities

Chairman of the Organizing Committee – Hanna Levkivska

Members of the Organizing Committee:

6.2.1. Functions of the Organizing Committee of the Festival

  • development and adjustment of this Regulation and the package of documents for the Festival in agreement with the Organizer;
  • coordination of work on the Festival;
  • collection of submitted documents, verification of compliance of their design with the requirements of this Regulation, and registration of applications for participation in the Festival;
  • creation of a computer database, supplementing it during the whole time of the Festival.

1. Applications;

2. Information about Applicants and Participants in the areas of the Festival, including photos and videos;

3. List of Participants for each nomination;

4. List of finalists (winners, awarded)

  • formation of the Jury from independent highly qualified professionals;
  • organization of the Jury during the Festival;
  • providing the Festival with information support (working with information partners, holding press conferences, posting materials on the official website of the Festival);
  • organization and holding of final events, encouragement of Festival nominees;
  • making other organizational decisions and monitoring their implementation.

6.2.2. Rights of the Festival Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee has the right to:

  • refuse the Applicant to participate in the Festival in case of non-compliance of the documents, proposed works or numbers with the requirements of this Regulation;
  • exclude from the number of Participants for violation of the rules established by this Regulation;
  • delegate its representatives to the Jury;
  • in agreement with the Organizer to introduce additional nominations and types of incentives for Festival Participants;
  • use the competition works after the end of the Festival with the obligatory reference to the authors without the consent of them.

6.2.3. Responsibilities of the Organizing Committee of the Festival

The organizing committee is obliged to:

  • create equal opportunities and equal conditions for all Participants;
  • ensure the openness of the Festival;
  • create conditions for the operational work of the Jury and ensure its independence;
  • take measures not to disclose information about the preliminary results and the final results of the Festival in advance;
  • ensure the full implementation of the assigned functions.

6.2.4. Liabilities of the Organizing Committee of the Festival

The Organizing Committee is responsible for:

  • violation of the requirements and conditions of this Regulation, rules and procedures of preparation and holding of the Festival;

The Organizing Committee is not responsible for:

  • inaccurate information provided by the Participant;
  • infringement of copyright and related rights, if the Participant provided intellectual property and (or) did not obtain permission from the authors and (or) their authorized persons or organizations.

6.3. Festival Jury

The Festival Jury is formed by the Festival Organizing Committee.

The Jury consists of five members.

  • The Jury may include members of the Organizing Committee delegated by it;
  • The Chairman of the Jury is invited by the Organizing Committee of the Festival;
  • The jury has the right to remove from view numbers that do not meet the requirements of this Regulation;
  • after discussing the speeches at the review (listening), the Jury makes decision participate in the final event and encourage the best performers.

7. Information support

Information support is provided by information partners who have expressed interest in the Festival.

This work is coordinated by the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

The materials of the Festival are posted on the Internet on the official web-site and social pages of the Festival, as well as on the pages of sites that support the information of the Festival.